Dear Elementary School Parents

Dear Elementary School Parents,

Honking your horn is for the purpose of emergencies or when the person in front of you hasn’t had their cup of coffee yet and didn’t notice the light turn green.

Honking your horn is not for the purpose of letting other parents know you didn’t wake up in time to drop your kids off and now you are late for work.

Driving on the opposite side of the road is for the purpose of making your way around a broken down vehicle or when someone is redirecting traffic due to road work or an accident.

Driving on the opposite side of the road is not for the purpose of endangering the other parents and children trying to start their mornings so that you can get to the school drop off zone faster.

Road signs are posted for the purpose of safety and is a law to abide.

Road signs aren’t there to tell you no left turn because they want you to get to work late.

The speed limit signs in our neighborhood are there for the purpose of safety and making sure children don’t get hit by cars while walking home from school.

Speed limit signs aren’t there to trick you and you should really be driving 30 mph above the posted speed. They also aren’t there for the purpose of telling you what speed you should be going when you run over said children.

So, GOOD MORNING elementary school parents, you aren’t the only humans that exist!


I hate this town.

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